The Vision 2025 reflects a national vision towards achieving a sustainable economic growth in Pakistan. The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is seen as an integral element to achieve relevant objectives set under Vision 2025, which is key government policy document for macroeconomic development of the country. TVET helps young people to learn skills that substantially increase their potentials to attain decent jobs.
To support the reform process within the TVET sector, qualified human resource (teachers) plays an important role. Launching of Human Resource Development (HRD) Policy for TVET teachers is derived from the National Skills Strategy. The policy covers salient features like the shift from time-bound, curriculum-based training to flexible, competency-based training and the shift from supply-led training to demand-driven skills development by promoting the role of industry in both the design and delivery of TVET.
Another aspect of the reform processes in TVET sector is the launch of revised manuals of National Vocational Qualification Framework (NVQF), focusing on better pathways from school to TVET and higher education, and will promote credit transfer between the qualification levels and will structure existing and new qualifications that will strongly impact the education system and TVET as a whole. Additionally, it would be an important step if the teachers’ qualification levels and career pathways are integrated into the National Qualification Framework.
HRD Policy and NVQF manuals will help in the national system of policies and guidelines for human resource management, classification of qualifications, and the introduction of progression pathways for vertical and horizontal movement within the TVET structure and achievement of a qualification through credit accumulation, besides promoting recognition of qualifications at national and international levels. It also provides guidelines for recognition of prior learning (RPL).
The TVET Sector Support Programme, funded by the European Union and Governments of Germany and Norway, is facilitating the Government of Pakistan to reform the TVET system since 2011. The Programme focuses on governance, development of quality human resource including trainees and trainers as well as creating linkages between public and private sector. Development of TVET Policy, National Vocational Qualification Framework and Human Resource Development Policy are the key milestones achieved during the implementation of reform processes in TVET delivery.