ISLAMABAD, November 23, 2020: The groundbreaking ceremony of the second out of five Centres of Excellence (CoEs) aimed at improving the quality of technical and vocational education and training in the country under the donor-funded TVET Sector Support Programme (TVET SSP) was held here on Monday.

The Centres of Excellence aim to promote excellence in the training delivery for youth and TVET practitioners, hence supporting the development of a skilled and competitive workforce and improved employment opportunities. The CoE Islamabad is being established at the National Training Bureau.
The establishment of the CoEs is a very important part of the support being provided by TVET SSP, which is funded by the European Union and the governments of Germany and Norway. TVET SSP is being implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in close collaboration with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC), Technical Education and Vocational Training Authorities (TEVTAs) and a number of public and private sector organizations at national and provincial levels.
The chief guest of the ceremony, Mr. Shafqat Mahmood, the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training along with the Ambassadors of the EU, Germany and Norway laid the foundation stone for the CoE.

Speaking at the occasion, the Minister emphasized the need for such Centres of Excellence, adding that the completion of this Centre will pave the way towards allowing the Pakistani TVET system to sustainably improve delivery of training and assessment, career counselling and job placement. The CoEs will be state-of-the art facilities ready to offer training for TVET practitioners and vocational students alike.
The CoEs will be places to both learn and implement TVET and to serve as a hub for communities of practice and private sector engagement. The close linkage to the private sector will ensure the relevance of the training for the economy. It will lead to skilled human resources that meet the needs of the labour market. This will ultimately result in an improved image of the TVET sector in the country.
Mr. Mahmood further said that the groundbreaking ceremony testifies the importance the present Government at the Federal level gives to the TVET sector. He added that the involvement of the private sector in all steps of the value chain, from the design of training content to training delivery and assessment is key to ensure that the offered services are market-driven.
The Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan, Androulla Kaminara, addressing the participants, stressed the importance of quality technical and vocational education and training to empower the youth of the country, which is only possible through a sustainable allocation of resources by both state and private sector.

“Teachers are a pillar of the TVET system and it is encouraging to see that the centres of excellence will also focus on enhancing their skills to help them teach more effectively. Furthermore, I am particularly pleased to see how the COEs will contribute to women’s empowerment by ensuring that at least 30 percent of the trained teachers and students are women. Equipping women with necessary skills also in non-traditional trades, not only empowers them, it is also beneficial for the families, communities and consequently for Pakistan’s society and economy as a whole.” she remarked.
“It is matter of great satisfaction that NAVTTC being the apex body of the TVET sector is setting standards. This is evident through the groundbreaking ceremony. It speaks of the commitment from the relevant authorities, especially the Federal Government”, remarked Dr. Deichmann, the chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany to Pakistan.

The Chairman of NAVTTC Syed Javed Hasan remarked at the occasion that NAVTTC is working hand in hand with the private and public sector across the country for bringing quality into the TVET sector. He furthermore mentioned the Skills for All Strategy of the present Government.
The Acting Executive Director of NAVTTC Dr. Faheem Mohammad said that the TVET sector is being reformed in Pakistan for the provision of skills and jobs for the Pakistani youth. He thanked the donors the EU, Germany and Norway for their extensive support to the country in this regard.

The CoEs, which are being established in KP, ICT, Sindh, Punjab and Baluchistan, will offer a functional and sustainable model of quality training of TVET managers, instructors, assessors, career counselling and job placement officers as well as the open public. The CoEs will be steered with the help of a digitized monitoring system as well as a quality management system based on international good practice.