Hunar Rozgar Mela 2021 took place in Quetta to support linking up almost 900 young trained job seekers with recruiters and Human Resource professionals from leading enterprises of Quetta, who were looking to fill 400 job vacancies
QUETTA, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 26th Oct, 2021 ) :Hunar Rozgar Mela 2021 took place in Quetta to support linking up almost 900 young trained job seekers with recruiters and Human Resource professionals from leading enterprises of Quetta, who were looking to fill 400 job vacancies.
The event was aimed to provide an opportunity to train youth for employment, based on their skills and play a productive role in the country’s development by working in key economic sectors, said a press release.
This skill show and recruitment drive was made possible with the support of the TVET Sector Support Programme (TVET SSP),funded by the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Royal Norwegian Embassy. TVET SSP is implemented by the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission and Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Through this Mela, TVET SSP showcased the top training institutes in Balochistan that are providing competency-based training to young people in key sectors prioritised by industry. It also promoted the contribution of business and Industry Associations (BIAs) and enterprises in providing on-the-job trainings and employment to the youth of this region.
Speaking on the occasion of Hunar Rozgar Mela 2021 ceremony, Governor Balochistan Syed Zahoor Ahmad Agha praised the efforts and said, “The Hunar Rozgar Mela 2021 has been offering great opportunity and served as a platform to connect qualified jobseekers that are specially trained in vocational and technical trades with renowned recruiters and HR professionals from leading enterprises”.
He further mentioned that programmes like TVET SSP are playing a decisive role in socio-economic uplift of the community and they bring awareness to the youth to best utilize their learned skilled in regional and national development of Pakistan.
Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan, Androulla Kaminara, commented “Our ultimate goal in supporting the TVET sector is to make sure that young men and women in Pakistan could find decent employment and contribute to the much-needed inclusive economic growth of the country. Today’s event shows that the efforts of engaging employers with the TVET system have borne fruit.
Olaf Handloegten, Cluster Coordinator, Training and Sustainable Growth for Decent Jobs GIZ-Pakistan while sharing about contribution of TVET Sector Support Programme said that “As-many-as 950 graduates from 13 different TVET institutes are going to visit recruitment installs of 34 national and multinational enterprises for various employment opportunities against 400 vacant jobs in just one day today.
Through the TVET Sector Support Programme, our vision is to promote the private sector engagement for enhanced employability of TVET graduates and today’s event is one of the glimpses of this intention.” He said.
The Hunar Rozgar Mela marks the public-private partnership in creating job opportunities for a trained skilled force of Balochistan. This is in line with the Government of Pakistan‘s commitment towards employment promotion and skills delivery by engaging the private sector.
Under the TVET SSP training fund initiative in Sindh and Balochistan 12,500 trainees have graduated and 8,653 trainees are currently enrolled. The programme has engaged 81 training institutes for imparting workplace-based training under 62 agreements Up to 60 percent of employment is so far facilitated in Sindh and Balochistan through these measures.