Lahore, September 17, 2018: Gender equality and uneven economic opportunities for women in the TVET sector are the challenges that country is currently facing through. Improved participation in decision making and increased access to the training and learning opportunities may help in mitigating these challenges. Availability of relevant skills and trades through skill-building and competencies and employment prospects may instill a trend of better economic growth for women on the rural and urban level.
“Promotion of the skills among women and their participation in the mainstream arena can provide a significant and sustainable contribution towards country’s socio-economic development”. These remarks were made by Ambassador of Delegation of European Union to Pakistan Mr. Jean Francois Cautain during his visit to the 14th Life Style Expo organized by Women Chamber of Commerce and Industries in Lahore. This Exhibition provided a platform to the women entrepreneurs across Pakistan to promote their work and highlight the significance of skills learning.
Mian Aslam, Minister Industries during his visit to the exhibition opined that collaboration among chambers, business and industry associations, training authority, institutes, vocational councils and common entrepreneurs brings benefit to improve the economic sectors like textile, hospitality etc. and promote the women participation.
While visiting different display corners by multiple small-scale businesses Dr. Andhleeb Abbas, Member National Assembly of Pakistan appreciated the efforts of women participants. She said that activities like these assist women in access to the economic sector for their financial strength.
Executive Director National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) appreciated the efforts of Ms. Falahat Imran, President Women Chamber of Commerce and Industries (WCCI) Lahore and other members for their efforts in supporting skilled women work at the national platform and promoting women’s participation in the mainstream economy.
The Exhibition jointly organized by Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lahore in collaboration with the support of TVET Sector Support Programme (SSP) funded by the European Union and the governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and Norway.
The Programme is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in close collaboration with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) as well as provincial Technical Education and Vocational Training Authorities (TEVTAs) and private sector organizations. TVET SSP, promotes women’s full and effective participation at all levels and advocate maximum opportunities for employment. The programme also undertakes multiple interventions to enhance the use of enabling technology for accessing labour and economic market through multiple measures.