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Vocational Training in Solar Technology


Pakistan’s energy crisis is crippling its economy and severely affects the quality of life of a common man. It is therefore crucial to explore alternate sources of energy. Pakistan receives about 1,500-3,000 sunshine hours and 1.9 – 2.3 MHz per year. Considering this scenario solar energy seems to be an appropriate solution to Pakistan’s energy crisis. The Technology Up-gradation and Skill Development Company (TUSDEC) has submitted a proposal through this project to train electricians and other relevant skilled workers in solar technology. The existing electricians and skilled workers in similar trades have very limited knowledge and skills of solar technologies, and are thus not filling the training gap in the industry. Therefore, this proposal aims to address the skills gap in the field of solar technology. This project is supported by the TVET Reform Support Programme as part of the Fund for Innovative Training (FIT) component. The TVET Reform Support Programme is co-financed by the European Union, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Federal Republic of Germany and administered by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

TUSDEC’s roots link back to the Prime Minister’s directive in October 2004 according to which an implementing institution was to be established to materialise the aims of technology up-gradation in the key industrial sectors of the country. Following the verve of value addition TUSDEC was incorporated in 2005 as a not for profit, guarantee limited company, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. (PIDC). Since then TUSDEC is being successfully managed by a public-private partnership with its 2/3 board members from the private sector and 1/3 from the public sector.


The objective of the project is to have well trained and skilled technicians available who are able to address the skill gap regarding solar technologies and professionally support the on-going efforts of the Government of Pakistan and its development partners to exploit the country’s potentials in the solar energy sector.


125 beneficiaries will be trained in the field of solar technologies. The training will be carried out over a period of 12 months. An MoU is being signed with industries to support a work-based practical component of the training. The training will include classroom theory, assignments, quizzes, laboratory practice, and work-based practice. Four master trainers will be hired for a short term period to train the trainers in TUSDEC. The training will consist of three components of PV training and two components of solar heating training. TUSDEC will also assist with job placements for the graduates after successful completion of the training.

Expected Outcome:

Pakistan’s power supply is enhanced with help of an increased availability of technician who are able to address the skill gap in applying solar technologies, in combination with an increase of Government initiatives to support the implementation of solar technologies in the country. The newly trained workforce, which is addressing the growing demand, will further lead to the creation of new micro and small enterprises and thus to the creation of new employment.

Contact Detail: Muhammad Ali