Pakistan is an agrarian economy where a good percentage of people make their living in the agricultural sector. A good majority of this population has small land holdings. In this situation, it is crucial for them to learn new techniques on how to get the most harvest with the little land holding they have. It is also essential that they develop value chains for sustained economic growth to increase the margin of profit for themselves. JOBS Group, a development sector organisation, specialising in value chain development in collaboration with the Farmers Associates of Pakistan (FAP) has developed a project on solar dryers and food processing to uplift the farmers socially and economically in backward areas for sustained growth of the national economy. This project is supported by the TVET Reform Support Programme as part of the Fund for Innovative Training (FIT) component. The TVET Reform Support Programme is co-financed by the European Union, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Federal Republic of Germany and administered by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
The objective of the project is to develop an environmentally conscious and technically competent rural community workforce, equipped with the capabilities to derive maximum benefit from Pakistan’s immense commercial potential in food processing through green “solar drying” methods.
Marginalised women from the rural communities will be identified and selected through a baseline study. The beneficiaries will then be taught the fundamentals in areas such as food hygiene and safety, food processing and preservation, entrepreneurial skills, and business management. After the training, the beneficiaries will be arranged in groups in which they can start to implement food processing through solar drying. Solar dryers will be provided for each group. JOBS will assist the groups with market linkages so that products can be marketed.
Expected Outcome:
300 women in three locations of Khenewal, Punjab and SWAT, KP will be trained over a period of 12 months duration. Food wastage of perishable food products will be reduced, women will be encouraged to start entrepreneurships in the rural areas, and the new market segments regarding dry food and fruits will be developed, thus improving the livelihood of the rural community.
Contact Details: Imran Shaukat