Project: Creating Livelihood through ECD development in Gilgit-Baltistan.
Project Duration: Dec 2013 – Feb 2015
Pakistan is among those developing countries with low education indicators. Particularly in the area of early childhood learning, there are only few planned educational programmes, most of which look after the children’s academic needs only and overlook their social and psychosocial development. In rural areas, in particular, parents are not aware of the benefits of Early Childhood Development (ECD) and thus are rarely involved in their children’s education. Consequently, children do not reach their development potential and are less likely to be productive adults.
Hashoo Foundation (HF) seeks to address the above mentioned problems through developing Female Early Childhood Developers (FECDs) and thus building capacity in transferring knowledge and expertise in ECD. The reasons for involving only women in this training are manifold. Firstly, it is a type of work women are accepted to be involved in due to local traits and culture. Secondly, women working in the field of education act as role models, critical to the achievement of gender equality and integration.
This project is supported by the TVET Reform Support Programme as part of the Fund for Innovative Training (FIT) component. The TVET Reform Support Programme is co-financed by the European Union, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Federal Republic of Germany and administered by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Project Objectives
• To develop a training programme for FECDs that reaches out to all children, irrespective of gender, poverty or disability
• To create new employment opportunities for women
• To increase awareness about the importance of ECD and to foster understanding and cooperation between parents, teachers, social service providers, community leaders, civil society and different levels of local government
Target Group
• 240 young female graduates who face challenges in employment due to lack of specialization and teachers from primary schools whose skill levels in ECD will be enhanced
• 300 stakeholders and members of the community who benefit through seminars
• 4,000 community members who will receive orientation/awareness sessions (indirect beneficiaries)
The project is being implemented in five districts of Gilgit-Baltistan. Under the project, a full day course over (4 batches of 60 trainees each, divided in two classes) will be offered to the trainees, involving shifting between classroom lectures, children’s play room sessions, and out of house activities (visits to primary schools, awareness sessions, participation in stakeholder seminars, etc.).
Classroom lectures will instil knowledge about childhood development, childhood caring and healthy child environment, while the playroom sessions allow practical exercises such as appropriate play and communication activities. During open-door hours, trainees have a chance to liaise with parents, observe their interaction with the children and gain mutual understanding.
Similarly trainees will be involved in the preparation and facilitation of community meetings, seminars, information exchange visits, and a trade fair to promote linkages between trainees and potential employers,vital to achieve a broader spread of ECD facilities and services. The project will also impart entrepreneurship awareness so as to enable trainees to make an informed decision about potential employment options. For those who want to be self-employed, provide a business course after ECD training. During the last phase of training, a toolkit will be provided to all trainees containing toys and games, books, consumables, posters, learning materials, etc. so as to support some final practical exercises and future work activities.
Expected Outcomes
• Skilled Female Early Childhood Developers (FECDs)
• Increased awareness of and demand for ECD
• New employment and self-employment possibilities in schools and own small day care centres
Contact Details: Mr. Shahzad Mirza
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