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TVET Sector Support Programme, WWF- Pakistan sign accord to reintegrate returnees

LAHORE – August 14, 2022

In order to offer assistance to Pakistani returnees as well as locals in exploring quick and effective income opportunities and gaining socio-economic stability, TVET Sector Support Programme (TVET SSP) “Reintegration of Returnees in Pakistan” joined hands with World Wide Fund for Nature – Pakistan (WWF) for joint ventures.

TVET Sector Support Programme (TVET SSP) organized an event in this regard to sign a partnership between the two. The event, held at a local hotel, was attended by representatives of various stakeholders of the TVET sector including Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC), Punjab Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (PTEVTA), and Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF).

The partnership agreement was signed by Mr. HammadNaqi Khan, Director General/Chief Executive Officer WWF-Pakistan, and Mr. Olaf Handloegten, Head of TVET Sector Support Programme, GIZ Pakistan.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. HammadNaqi Khan, Director General/Chief Executive Officer WWF-Pakistan opined, “Honeybees have a pivotal role in sustaining natural and human environments and based on WWF’s experience, apiculture trainings and workshops prove to be a viable offering for deserving communities.

Apiculture businesses are known to be a sustainable economic solution for rural families, and we believe, there is a big opportunity to support returnees through these solutions. Through this partnership between WWF-Pakistan and TVET SSP, together, we will be able to provide suitable training and skills development opportunities to returnees as well as the local population.”

‘Reintegration of Returnees in Pakistan’ supports returnees and the local Pakistanis (non-returnees) by offering them quick and effective start-up opportunities, especially in Punjab, as this region is most affected by return migration.

The project will support 15,000 individuals, including 6,500 returnees from Germany and GCC countries. The support measures provided to the returnees and local population, to facilitate their economic reintegration after returning to Pakistan fall under four intervention areas which are Career and Entrepreneurship Advisory Services, Competency-based Training & Assessments, Recognition of Prior Learning, and Employment Promotion.

The story originally appeared in Pakistan Obsrver

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