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Private Sector Engagement in TVET

Technical and Vocational Education and Training(TVET) public sector bodies like National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC), Technical Education and Vocational Training Associations (TEVTAs) and Institutional Management Committees (IMCs) are working together with the private sector organizations for the major widespread and success of technical and vocational education as well as training.

Private sector engagement is essential for access to quality skills development, on-the-job training opportunities, facilitation of work-place based training pathwaysto meet skills demand of the labour market efficiently. Creating tangible opportunities for private sector stakeholders to participate in decision-making processes related to TVET sector management is integral to develop a sustainable demand-driven TVET systemfor economic prosperity of the country.

The TVET Reform Support Programme supports the private sector engagement in TVET and is mainly focused on the following:

  • equitable access to quality TVET and enhanced employability of TVET graduates through implementation of relevant provisions of the National TVET Policy and National Skills Strategy (NSS);
  • increased participation of private sector bodies in TVET decision making and implementing bodies;
  • providing federal and provincial level forums to increase collaboration between public and private sector organizations;
  • establishment of Skill Development Councils (SDCs) and Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) for indigenous curriculum, competency based training and assessment, demand driven skills training and development, and relevant employability opportunities.
Rapid Labour Market Assessment in Priority Economic Sectors 2020
Sectoral Profile of Construction Sector in 2018
Sectoral Profile of Hospitality & Tourism Sector in 2018
Handbook for Business and Industry Associations to promote TVET
Manual on Functioning of Institute Management Committees and District Board of Management
A Handbook for Linking Training in institutes with the Workplace

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