PESHAWAR, October 21, 2020: The groundbreaking ceremony of the first out of five Centres of Excellence (CoEs) for teacher training under the donor-funded TVET Sector Support Programme was held here on Wednesday. The Centres of Excellence stand for promoting excellence in the training for teachers and youth.
The upgradation of five existing teacher training institutes into Centres of Excellence (CoEs) is a very important part of the support being provided by the TVET Sector Support Programme. TVET SSP is funded by the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Royal Norwegian Embassy. TVET Sector Support Programme is being implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in close collaboration with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC), Technical Education and Vocational Training Authorities (TEVTAs) and a number of public and private sector organizations at national and provincial levels.
The provincial Finance Minister of KP TaimoorJhagra, while delivering his keynote, put emphasis on the importance of quality technical and vocational education and training to empower the youth of the province.He said that the present government would extend all its support for the promotion of TVET. It would create enabling atmosphere so that graduates of TVET institutes are able to get jobs, something which is only possible when the imparted skill development is according to the labour market needs.

“The groundbreaking ceremony of the CoE makes it evident that the present government of the province is paying special attention to the improvement of quality in the technical and vocational education and training for which teacher training is of great significance” said the Advisor to the Chief Minister of KP on industries, Abdul Karim Khan.
It is matter of great satisfaction that different functions of the CoE are already functional here even before the groundbreaking ceremony which speaks of the commitment from the relevant authorities and the provincial government, remarked Bernhard Schlagheck,the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Pakistan. Head of Cooperation, EU delegation in Pakistan Mr. Ovidiu MIC participated in the ceremony digitally.
The Chairman of NAVTTC Syed Javed Hasan remarked at the occasion that NAVTTC is ready to support the KP government for the functionalization of the centre of excellence. He continued that it is an honour to be part of the ceremony which will be beneficial for the country in general and for people of KP in particular.
Acting Executive Director of NAVTTC Dr. Faheem Muhammad sharing his opinion said that the TVET sector is being reformed in Pakistan for the provision of skills and jobs among the young population. Hethanked the donors for their extensive support in this regard.

The dignitariespresent at the event also visited various elements of the functional CoE that include a career counselling and job placement centre. They were given orientation on the ongoing and upcoming measures for the digitization of the TVET system.
The Managing Director of KP TEVTA, Syed Sajjad Ali Shah, Deputy Head of TVET Sector Support Programme, GIZ Pakistan Mr. Raja Saad gave an overview on the initiatives of TVET SSP across the country.
The CoEs, which are being established one in each province, will offer a functional and sustainable model of quality training of TVET managers, teachers, instructors and assessors in the system.
TVET SSP supports in-service training of 3,550 TVET teachers across Pakistan within prioritized economic sectors. Initially, these trainings will be offered in selected Staff Training Institutes and Technical Training Institutes through a cascading system. However, in the later stage these trainings will be conducted through the CoEs.