Human migration is a global phenomenon. People around the world move overseas for several reasons. According to an estimate, 3.5 percent of the world population is residing in countries outside their countries of birth. Migrant workers, who return to their countries of origin, struggle to establish themselves socially and economically in their countries of origin. Introduction of an effective reintegration programme facilitates the returnees to reintegrate them into the socioeconomic spheres of their countries of origin.
‘Reintegration of Returnees in Pakistan’ is an initiative under the TVET Sector Support Programme that offers reintegration assistance to Pakistani returnees and Pakistani nationals, particularly young adults, who return to their home country voluntarily. Reintegration of Returnees in Pakistan is an initiative commissioned by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in partnership with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC).
This initiative supports returnees and the local Pakistanis (non-returnees) by offering them quick and effective start-up opportunities, especially in Punjab, as this region is most affected by return migration. The project will support 15,000 individuals, including 6,500 returnees from Germany and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.
Creating Prospects for people, with people!
The returnees and local population will be facilitated in their economic reintegration after returning to Pakistan through these four support measures:
- Career and Entrepreneurship Advisory Services
- Employment Promotion
- Recognition of Prior Learning
- Competency-based Training and Assessments
Embracing and Reintegrating Returnees
Career and Entrepreneurship Advisory Services
This support measure will facilitate 6,000 individuals (including 3,000 returnees) by providing them with career and professional advisory services for employment opportunities in different economic sectors. These services will also support returnees and local population by connecting them with micro-financing institutions for start-up and viable expansion opportunities. These services will be provided through Career Counselling and Job Placement (CCJP) centressupported by TVET Sector Support Programme, and Pakistani-German Facilitation and Reintegration Centre (PGFRC), under GIZ’s Programme Migration for Development (PME) in Punjab. The support measures will comprise of workshops, entrepreneurship trainings, face-to-face or online meetings, and the access to microfinancing institutions for Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) loans facilitation for start-ups.
Competency-based Training and Assessments
This support measure will facilitate 3,000 individuals (including 500 returnees) in successful completion of Competency-based Training and Assessments (CBT&A) through our implementing partners, Punjab Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA) and Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC). The initiative will also include lab upgradation in the partnering institutes for quality training delivery and will have a provision of toolkits for new business start-ups. The main economic sectors for the implementation will be Construction, Textiles, Hospitality, Automobile, Fashion and Beauty Care, and Information and Technology.
Recognition of Prior Learning
This support measure will facilitate 2,000 individuals (including 1,000 returnees) in the successful completion of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) certification. The main economic sectors for implementation will be Fashion & Beauty Care, Textiles, Hospitality, Construction, Automobile and Information and Technology.
Employment Promotion
This support measure will facilitate 4,000 individuals (including 2,000 returnees) by creating pathways for self-employment and dependent-employment opportunities. This measure will include trainings on entrepreneurship followed by in-kind support for small business start-ups. Linkages will be created with Business and Industrial Associations (BIAs) and recruitment agencies for dependent- employment promotion. Awareness and access to Government of Pakistan’s National Employment Exchange Tool (NEXT) will be facilitated for job placements. Different employment promotion activities like career & job fairs, as well as recruitment drives will be carried out.
- Labour Migration Report 2020, Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment